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Accidents at Work

Disaster strikes when you least expect it. It pays to familiarise yourself with what to do in the event that you are injured at work so that you can behave appropriately should you unexpectedly find yourself having to deal with such a situation.

What to do if you're injured at work

See a doctor immediately

In spite of any concerns you may have about your ability to bring a legal claim, seek a medical health professional immediately. Immediate medical attention can provide you with important medical reports and prevent you from doing anything that might aggravate your injuries, which might later have an impact on the amount of compensation available to you.

Keep records in your company’s accident book

Your company should have an accident book. Make sure you keep as detailed records as you can of the accident and surrounding circumstances.

Seek out witnesses

If anybody was at the site of the accident or witnessed anything that might have been material to the accident or the events leading up to it, seek them out and inform your lawyer. If nobody witnessed the actual accident but someone might have witnessed flaws in the infrastructure or system of your workplace that might have directly or indirectly caused the accident, keep a record of whom this person is.

Make sure your employer makes a report to the Health and Safety Executive

Your employer is obliged to report to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) any accidents causing you to be out of action for three days or more. Keep your employer updated of any changes in your situation.

Keep records of all earnings lost and other expenses

If you are unable to work for a period of time, keep a record of all earnings lost during that period. Also keep records of all expenditure in connection with your injury. For instance, you should obtain receipts for all doctors’ visits or rehabilitation sessions and medication, and maintain a record of the dates all visits are made and expenses paid out.

Make sure your employer carries out a health and safety assessment

Make sure your employer is not continuing to perpetuate a hazardous environment or any hazardous practices that may have led or contributed to your accident. If your employer does not carry out a health and safety assessment following your accident and a hazard continues to exist at the workplace, remind them to carry out such an assessment, failing which you should report them to the HSE.

Act fast

Do not procrastinate when it comes time to bring your claim. Claims for personal injuries suffered at the workplace can only be brought within three years of the accident, or when the injury was first discovered.

Consult a specialist lawyer

In order to make a successful claim, you will need to speak and work closely with a lawyer. While anyone licensed to practice law in the UK can represent you in court, to enhance your chances of success you should seek out a lawyer who specialises in personal injury law and is experienced in workplace injury claims.

Contact our Personal Injury Lawyers in Hertfordshire & London today

If you think you are entitled to a personal injury claim, we can help. Call now on 01652641145 or fill out our enquiry form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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What our clients say

My claim was very successful. I don't know how to thank Andrew. He did such a good job for me and I have already recommended him to a friend and will continue to do so.