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Unfair Dismissal Claims

If you were dismissed from your job and suspect your dismissal was unfair or wrongful, you can make an unfair dismissal claim. Lloyd Donnelly Solicitors can help.

Unfair Dismissal Claims Lawyers, UK

Unfortunately, unfair dismissal still exists in the workplace and many victims or would-be claimants are put off by the prospect of facing former employers in what they assume will be a long, arduous and taxing process.However, with the help of competent and experienced unfair dismissal solicitors, most claims can be made in a relatively straightforward manner.

From start to finish, Lloyd Donnelly's employment lawyers can help make the claiming process easy for you. From handling the paperwork to initial consultation and advice, we take care of everything to help you get justice in the workplace.

If you wish to make a claim for unfair dismissal or unfair treatment, give us a call today. We're on the phone, 24/7 to offer straightforward, no-nonsense and personalised advice to help you every step of the way.

As a solicitor firm handling tens of unfair dismissal claims every week, we have put together a little guide here and steps to follow and advice on what to do once you have been dismissed unfairly.You can give yourself the greatest chances of success with the help of the following pointers.

What are the types of discrimination at work?

The main piece of legislation pertaining to workplace discrimination in the UK is the Equality Act 2010, which shields people with protected characteristics from being unfairly treated in the workplace. People are protected from several forms of discrimination in accordance with their protected characteristics, details of which can be found below.

Age discrimination

Direct age discrimination entails being treated less favourably because of one’s age. Indirect discrimination involves a practice, rule or other structural factor placing one at a disadvantage due to one’s age. Harrassment and victimisation also amount to discrimination.

Disability discrimination

Direct and indirect discrimination are both possible in connection with disability. Any treatment in connection with one’s disability must not be unfavourable unless it is warranted from an objective viewpoint. Employers are obliged to make reasonable changes to accommodate a disabled employee, failing which they might be guilty of discrimination. Harrassment and victimisation are also discriminatory.

Maternity discrimination

A woman must not be placed in an unfavourable position based on compulsory maternity leave or her exercise of her maternity leave rights. Dismissing a woman based on maternity leave amounts to automatic discrimination. Making a woman redundant, even when a redundancy exercise is being carried out, may also amount to maternity discrimination.

Pregnancy discrimination

A woman must not receive unfavourable treatment because she is pregnant or suffering from any illness in connection with her pregnancy that occurs during the relevant protected period. Only direct discrimination in relation to pregnancy exists.

Race discrimination

Race discrimination applies to direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation because of or on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality or colour.

Religious or belief discrimination

Direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment or victimisation because of or on the basis of religion or belief are prohibited. The definition of a belief is broad and can apply to the beliefs of people who do not practise any religion.

Sex and gender discrimination

The act prohibits discriminatory treatment on the basis of one’s sex or gender. People undergoing or who have undergone a gender reassignment are also protected from discrimination on the basis of their gender or gender reassignment. Discrimination against people who are married or in some other kind of civil partnership on the basis of their marital or partnership status is also prohibited. Discrimination can take the forms of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment or victimisation.

Sexual orientation

Gay men, lesbians, heterosexuals and bisexuals are protected from discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation or sexual preferences. Discrimination based on an assumed sexual orientation, which may or may not be correct, is also prohibited. Discrimination can be direct or indirect, or take the form of harassment or victimisation.

Contact Our Unfair Dismissal Lawyers for Hertfordshire, London & Beyond

If you find yourself facing discrimination at work or If you’ve been dismissed, and have any concerns about whether it was fair we’ll be happy to offer a free no-obligation chat on 01652641145. One thing is for sure, the first deal is almost never the best and with most of the clients we have worked with, we have been able to help them get a better deal. If you need more advice on how much you can get from your Unfair Dismissal Claim fill out our enquire form here.

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What our clients say

I had the pleasure of having Lloyd Donnelly take on my case for me.I felt well cared for and they won my case for me. I can recommend Lloyd Donnelly to anyone and wouldn't hesitate to use them again.
Kate Faulkner-Ellliot